Occasionally, it becomes necessary to take a break from work or emails and let the autoresponder take care of messaging. This article will guide you on how to set up an autoresponder or vacation message in Gmail.

1. Logging into your Gmail Account

Start by logging into your Gmail account.

2. Settings

Click the gear icon in the upper right corner and select "Settings" from the drop-down menu.

3. Setting up Vacation Responder

Scroll down through the settings menu until you find the "Out of Office AutoReply" section. First select "Out of Office AutoReply On".

4. Timing the Vacation Responder

You can define the start and end dates for the vacation responder. Select the dates from the menu. If you do not set an end date, the vacation responder will stay on until you manually turn it off.

5. Drafting the Message

Next, write the message that the autoresponder will send to incoming messages. You can define both the subject and the actual message.

6. Implementing the Responder

Once you are satisfied with your message, click "Save Changes" at the bottom. The autoresponder is now activated.

7. Disabling the Responder

When you return to work or no longer need the autoresponder, you can turn it off by going back to the same spot in Settings and selecting "Out of Office AutoReply off". Remember to save changes.


Gmail's vacation responder is an excellent tool to keep in touch with your contacts during your absence. You can specify the dates when the responder is active and draft the message that will be automatically sent. We hope these instructions will make it easier for you to use!

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